Growing Customer Base with Tailored Local Marketing

With help from their Local Specialist Bel, StartPoint Counselling were able to grow their customer base and reach their business goals.

StartPoint Counselling, owned by Malcolm and Tracey, serves as a sanctuary for individuals, couples, and families seeking compassionate guidance and support. With a commitment to fostering a judgment-free environment, StartPoint offers personalised counselling services tailored to the unique needs of each client.

After having been with another marketing provider, Malcolm and Tracey felt it was time for a change, they were not seeing the results or the personal touch to their service they were hoping for.

Who are StartPoint Counselling?

Owned by Malcolm and Tracey, the practice boasts a team of dedicated counsellors who prioritise the well-being and growth of their clients. With a focus on transparency, empathy, and personalised care, StartPoint has earned a reputation for excellence in the counselling industry. Their team of counsellors alongside their extended trading hours sets them apart from others in the industry.

The Project Brief:

Seeking to bolster their online presence and connect with a wider audience, StartPoint Counselling sought the expertise of a local specialist who could provide tailored support in local marketing efforts while showcasing their unique points of difference, including extended trading hours of 9am – 9pm. Recognising the significance of engaging with a partner who cared deeply about their business, StartPoint Counselling partnered with Belinda Vale from Localsearch.

The Strategy

Alongside Belinda, Malcolm and Tracey, worked together with Localsearch to create a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that seamlessly incorporated StartPoint’s points of difference, including longer trading hours and a diverse range of counsellors, into the fabric of the campaign with a focus on local marketing, the strategy aimed to showcase StartPoint Counselling as a trusted resource within the community, offering accessible counselling services tailored to the diverse needs of their clients.

The Results

These results signify not only an increase in online visibility and engagement but also tangible benefits for StartPoint Counselling, including heightened enquiries and a growing client base. The collaborative approach with Bel provided StartPoint with a dedicated partner invested in their success, ensuring their local marketing was aligned with their unique points of difference and business objectives.

Moving forward, these results will serve as a foundation for continued growth and success, empowering StartPoint Counselling to further expand their reach, deepen client relationships, and continue making a positive impact within the South East Queensland Community.

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