The Best Beginner’s Guide to Facebook Ads in 2019

6 September, 2019

10 mins read

Guide to Facebook Ads

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In this article, we share the answers to:

  • Why is Facebook advertising good for growing a business?
  • How much does Facebook advertising cost?
  • How do you create effective Facebook ads?
  • Where can you learn more about creating Facebook ads?

You’ve seen the stats about the billions of people waiting for your business on social media. You may have even tried to run a few Facebook Ads. But are you one hundred per cent certain you’re getting the most eyes (and the right eyes at that) on the ads you’re running?

Firstly, to run successful Facebook Ads, you do have to give the platform time to learn about your business. However, there are some things you can do to speed up the process. And we’re about to share those things with you in this pocketbook guide to Facebook advertising.

Download a quick tips version of The Best Beginner’s Guide to Facebook Ads in 2019.

Why is Facebook advertising good for growing a business?

1. You can target your audience very precisely.

Facebook advertising allows you to target who sees your ad down to their gender, age, profession, interests, if they’ve interacted with your business before or are similar to existing customers, and more. This is a major plus as it means your social media marketing budget is going towards showing people who are more likely to become a lead and not wasting it on those who are not.

Facebook audience targeting

2. Facebook Ads is also connected to Messenger and Instagram.

It may sound odd to some that the Facebook Ads platform lets you advertise on Instagram, but it makes sense when you know Facebook owns Instagram. They purchased the company in 2012 for a whopping $1 billion.

You don’t even need an Instagram business page to run ads via the Facebook Ads platform onto Instagram. The ads will simply link to the landing page you set, and the profile will link to your Facebook business page. More platforms mean more users and more potential customers.

3. The analytics from Facebook ads are very detailed.

The results from one ad should influence your targeting, content, images and creation of your next ad. By using the Facebook ads platform, you can see exactly how many people saw your ad, the number of leads generated, cost per result, total amount spent, demographics, where it’s displayed (Instagram/Facebook/Messenger) and more. 

How much does Facebook advertising cost?

The cost of your Facebook advertising is however much you want to spend, as long as you’re spending a minimum of $4 per day. You set your business’s budget and Facebook works around it to show the appropriate number of people.

As for the price of each view on your ad, it all comes down to your relevancy score—similar to Google’s Search Engine Marketing quality score. Your ad will be ranked by Facebook out of 10. The lower your score, the more expensive it is to get your ad in front of people. Things like the quality of your ad text and image, how many people are clicking on it and interacting with it all impact your relevancy score.

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How do you create effective Facebook ads?

1. Firstly, ensure you use the Facebook Ads Manager and are not simply boosting posts.

The only time you want to choose boosting a post over running a Facebook ad is if you are running an event, offer or last-minute notice.

2. Give your ad a minimum of 7 days to run.

You need to give the Facebook Ad platform’s algorithm time to work, get enough data to assess your ad and give you the best results. Most social media specialists will recommend a minimum of 7 days. If you don’t have 7 days, this is when you’d boost (see above).

3. Use socially engaging content and relevant images.

It’s social media, so be social! Ensure your ads are engaging to people, interesting and relatable—not just another ad trying to sell them something. Don’t be afraid to use slang or a more relaxed style of writing

4. Use Facebook’s analytics and re-marketing capabilities.

Like we mentioned above, the Facebook Ads platform gives you a lot of data on the results of your ads and precise targeting options—use them!

5. Follow Facebook advertising best practices.

Facebook does not like things like photos showing too much skin, too much text in images, mentioning competing brands and a host of other regulations for specific industries. If you don’t have time to find out what they all are, find someone who knows social media marketing like the back of their hand.

6. Optimise your website and/or landing pages.

One of the whole purposes of running Facebook Ads is to get leads through forms or brand awareness by directing people to your website. If your website isn’t appealing to your target demographic (even if you love it to bits), you’re wasting your money on running social media ads. There are plenty of website design and development services out there to help.

Where can I learn more about creating Facebook Ads?

If you’re truly invested in running social media ads for your business, you have two options:

1. Undertake some training (such as the Facebook Blueprint course).

2. Find someone (like Localsearch) who knows their stuff when it comes to Facebook Ads.

We’d love to create a customised quote based exactly on your needs. Reach out on 1300 360 867 or via our contact page.

Feature image source: Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

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