Podcast Recap: Getting Started with Facebook Ads

27 May, 2021

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On episode 3 of the Help Me Grow My Business podcast, Sarah and Katrina spoke to Localsearch’s very own Senior Paid Social Strategist, Myles Hart. They chat about everything from easy organic social posts and setting up your own Facebook Ads to campaign types and budgets.

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Checklist: Getting Started with Social Media Marketing 

1. Start a Facebook Page.

If you’re looking to run social media ads, the first thing you need to do (while obvious) is set up a Facebook account for your business. 

Now, while getting started on Facebook may seem simple, one thing often forgotten is these pages need to be associated with a personal page in order to be created. If you don’t have a personal page, or don’t want your business linked to your personal account you have three options.

How to create a Facebook page not under your name:

  1. Create a secondary profile for yourself and move the settings to the maximum privacy setting. 
  2. Establish an account under an alias name.
  3. Use a close family member or friend’s account, although this is not recommended.

2. Start posting.

Facebook has said posting organically doesn’t directly impact the performance of your ads. However, it does help with your public image. 

Before getting started with Facebook Ads, get in the habit of posting on your page organically. When someone clicks on your ad, they’re likely to check out your profile too, if you’re posting they’re going to find out more about your business helping with conversions. If they click through to a blank profile, they may assume you’re closed, which we don’t want. All it takes is a couple of minutes a few times a week, or even scheduling all of your posts once a month.

3.  Contact an agency.

To really get started with Facebook Ads on the right leg, get in contact with a local agency. Whilst you can do your own social media marketing, it does become time consuming and costly. Agencies are paid to understand the trends, regulations and platform updates so they can get you results.

Want help with your Social Media Marketing? Get in touch with Localsearch, to find out how you can get started with Social Media Marketing.

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