New Meta Features for Businesses, $50K QLD Grant & More

13 May, 2022

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Meta will be releasing a collection of exciting new features to ensure small businesses can effortlessly connect with customers.

More information on eligibility and the application process has been released for the $50,000 Business Growth Fund Program.

In this week’s business and marketing news highlights, we saw:

  • NEW feed algorithm for LinkedIn.
  • Google to discontinue some image and video sitemap extensions.
  • $50,000 Business Growth Fund Program.
  • Meta rolls out NEW ads & messaging tools for small businesses.
  • Twitter expands the test of TikTok-like display format.
  • Launch of Pinterest TV Studio app.
  • Google reveals NEW advertising features.
  • Twitter is cracking down on duplicated tweets.
  • Scammers running Google Ads with real URLs.

Catch up on last week’s news: Basic Business Grant Delayed, Google Blocks 1.2M Apps & More

This Week’s Marketing & News Highlights — 9 May 2022 to 13 May 2022

NEW Feed Algorithm for LinkedIn 

LinkedIn has updated how content will rank in peoples’ feeds. The following updates will change your feed’s algorithm:

  • An “I don’t want to see this” option on posts.
  • Show less low-quality content that asks for engagement (clickbait, irrelevant updates etc.)
  • Hiding polls from people you don’t know.

LinkedIn’s latest updates are in place to encourage more personalised and relevant experiences for users, which generates meaningful conversations and engagement.

Google to Discontinue Some Image and Video Sitemap Extensions 

After Google’s value evaluation of sitemap extension tags, the company has decided to officially deprecate some tags and attributes and remove them from Google’s documentation.

The tags and attributes will officially discontinue as of 6 August 2022, allowing plugin and theme makers time to remove deprecated tags and attributes.

$50,000 Business Growth Fund Program

The Business Growth Fund Program opens to eligible Queensland businesses on 31 May 2022. Find out who would be considered an eligible applicant, where to apply and more specifics on the program via $50,000 Business Growth Fund Program Opens 31 May 2022.

Meta Rolls Out NEW Ads & Messaging Tools for Small Businesses

In light of National Small Business Week in the U.S., Meta has rolled out new features to encourage more ways for small businesses to communicate with customers through their platforms. 

New features coming to Meta Business Suite include:

  • WhatsApp will become available in Meta Business Suite inbox.
  • Businesses will be able to send promotional message campaigns via Messenger to customers who opt-in.

To improve end-to-end management of lead generation on our platform, Meta will be launching:

  • A new “Get Quote” button will be available on the business’s Instagram profile, including  “Get Quote” stickers in Stories.
  • Businesses can pursue leads that are most promising with lead filtering in Lead Ads Instant Forms.
  • More flexible and personalisable Instant Forms by adding visuals and content in the form.
  • Businesses will be able to offer exclusive, relevant content for people who complete the Lead Ads Instant Form.
  • Download lead info directly to your own CRM to follow up with potential customers quickly.

Twitter Expands Test of TikTok-Like Display Format

Twitter is the latest platform to expand its TikTok-like format testing to more users. The company is testing a full-screen format Explore page and a ‘For You’ page for users to find new content based on their interests.

Launch of Pinterest TV Studio App

Pinterest has launched a new live-streaming app of short-form videos and Stories. The new app will also have a feature that allows creators to use multiple devices for different camera angles.

Google Reveals NEW Advertising Features 

Google has provided a sneak peek at Google Ads new features for responsive display ads. In advance of the Google Marketing Live conference on 24 May 2022,  new features we can expect from Google Ads include:

  • Mobile Layout for full-screen mobile ad inventory.
  • Speed up fitting ads to different devices with machine learning.
  • Fill white borders in ad products with Image uncropping.

New Dates for QLD Business Basics Grant

The Basic Business Grant open dates have split into two days for Regional and South East Queensland:

  • Regional QLD businesses at 9 am, 16 May 2022.
  • South East QLD businesses at 9 am, 17 May 2022.

Find out if your business is eligible via New Dates for QLD Business Basics Grant Round 3.

Twitter is Cracking Down on Duplicated Tweets

Have you ever jumped on Twitter and seen multiple tweets with oddly skewed wording taking over your timeline? They’re usually accompanied by a flood of Tweet replies, many of which are the same. Well, it may be a thing of the past. Twitter has labelled these tweets ‘spam’ and they’re beginning to crack down on duplicated tweets.

This week Twitter has created a new policy surrounding duplicate tweets, aptly named the Copypasta and Duplicate Content policy. The new policy contains a range of potential penalties for those found in breach including:

  • Downranking Tweets in replies.
  • Excluding Tweets from recommendations.
  • Making Tweets ineligible for amplification in Top Search results.

Scammers Running Google Ads with Real URLs

Scammers are getting creative, running scams through real Google Ads. These ads look identical to those they’re impersonating with only a minor difference in the URL. When a user clicks on the ad they’re taken to a scam website, not the original location they intended.

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