Mental Health Tips & Resources for Small Business 

22 August, 2024

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Almost half the population has experienced a mental illness at some time in their life. As the largest employment sector in Australia, it’s crucial for small businesses to prioritise mental health. Creating a mentally healthy workplace can prevent issues and support overall wellbeing. With R U OK?Day approaching, it’s a timely reminder to check in with ourselves and those around us.

Understanding Mental Health Misconceptions

Despite considered efforts across the mental health sector and communities, stigma and misconceptions persist. This can prevent a person from getting the help they need. It’s helpful to take a moment to learn about common mental health myths.

Tips for Creating a Mentally Healthy Workplace

A mentally healthy workplace benefits you, your staff, and your business. Just because you may not have the same tools or resources as a larger business doesn’t mean you can’t create a supportive work environment. Keeping in mind that every small business is unique, here are some suggestions to get you started:

Build Resilience with Self Care: Running your own business takes a lot of time and energy. Find strategies to take care of yourself and recharge so you can stay energised and mentally resilient.

Encourage Work-Life Balance: Offering flexible work options and time off where possible helps employees feel respected and prevents burnout.

Improve Awareness of Mental Health: Educate employees on mental health by providing accessible resources. The R U OK? organisation offers practical guides and posters that can printed and displayed around workplaces to normalise mental health discussions and encourage open communication.

Develop Trust and Respect in the Workplace: Encourage staff to participate in team-building activities and support each other in workplace tasks. Strong social connections build trust and improve the likelihood of identifying and addressing issues.

Communicate Openly and Regularly with Staff: Staff have valuable insight into your workplace. Listen to their suggestions, let them know you appreciate their feedback, and make changes where possible to ensure they feel valued and heard.

Celebrate Small Wins: If your employee solves a challenging problem or makes a great sale, acknowledging and rewarding the achievement goes a long way.

Address Issues Quickly: Tackle problems as they arise to prevent escalation. Remember, there is plenty of support available for both employers and employees, so you don’t have to do this alone.

Resources for Creating Mentally Healthy Workplace

Being a small business owner requires a variety of skills, from crunching numbers at tax time to managing daily operations. However, it’s important to overcome the strain of ‘doing it all’. Your personal and professional networks are valuable resources you can tap into for ideas, support, and recommendations to help with challenges you face. The resources below provide tailored information and tools for small business owners and their employees to help improve wellbeing at work:

Beyond Blue: Beyond Blue’s NewAccess for Small Business Owners (NASBO) is a guided self-help mental health coaching program. It’s free, confidential and convenient.

Ahead for Business: Ahead for Business is digital hub designed to support the wellbeing of small business owners through tailored resources.

Black Dog Institute: The Black Dog Institute provides free mental health training and offers information on how to make your business or workplace mentally healthy.

R U OK: R U OK? offers mental health resources, including a mental health handbook for small business owners that encourages an R U OK culture in the workplace.

Small Business Debt Helpline: The Small Business Debt Helpline is a dedicated financial counselling service offering free, independent, and confidential support.

WorkSafe: The mentally healthy workplaces toolkit offers practical tools and resources from Workplace Health and Safety Queensland to help you take positive steps towards a mentally healthy workplace.

Need someone to talk to?

  • Talk to your friends and family about how you are feeling (read Health Direct’s tips for conversations about mental health).
  • Reach out to Beyond Blue for information and support on achieving your best possible mental health, no matter your age or where you live.
  • Learn how your doctor can help you regain your mental health and well-being, including through a personalised mental health plan.

Disclaimer: This blog is for general informational purposes only and should not replace professional advice. Please consult with a qualified health professional to address your specific needs.

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