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Why advertise on Localsearch.com.au?
You’ll not only be found on Localsearch.com.au, but also the Localsearch App, in Google search results and more. The more places you can be found, the better for your business.
Quality backlinks connecting from other websites to your website are super important for SEO. Localsearch.com.au is a top-quality, FREE backlink, so there is no risk, all reward.
For less than $2 a day, you can increase your visibility on Localsearch.com.au, ensuring you’re seen by locals looking for what you can help them with.
In the last 12 months, there have been more than 5 million conversions on Localsearch.com.au. Who can say no to a slice of that pie?
Put all your digital marketing in Brisbane under one roof with award-nominated service of more than 28 years, Localsearch.
Our Brisbane digital marketing services include:
And more…
Quality meets affordability with our Brisbane website services, starting from only $25 a week.
A new website isn’t only for someone starting out. With how fast technology changes, it’s recommended you build a new website every 3 to 5 years or so, even with an award-nominated SEO service on your side.
The solution is a website subscription. Our Brisbane website subscriptions start from $25 a week, including hosting. You’ll receive a dedicated account manager, professional design, development and content, plus receive a new rebuild after the third year — for only $25 or more a week!
If you’re more of a flat-fee website business, we can help you there, plus pay it off over 10 months. Our websites are award-nominated, so you know whatever you need, we can help you.
Climb search engine rankings with our Brisbane search engine optimisation (SEO) services.
In metropolitan areas, there tend to be more businesses, more people, but less service area, when compared to regional areas. This means more competition, particularly on search engines.
Take your metro area of Brisbane for instance — there are more than 131,000 registered businesses in Brisbane and more than 1.25 million people calling the region home. That’s roughly 9 to 10 people per business.
In your industry alone, there could be hundreds of competitors trying to claim your position on a search engine. Our award-nominated SEO services help you firstly gain the best spots in the most relevant search engine results, but also keep them too.
We have SEO packages in Brisbane specifically designed for competing in a metropolitan area, so contact us now for a quote!
As a Google Premier Partner and Microsoft Advertising Partner, Localsearch can help put your ads wherever they need to go.
Has your current Brisbane Google Ads service provider got your back if something happened to Google? With Localsearch, we have been working with the Google and Microsoft Ads platforms for years, so we can put you wherever you need to go.
Aside from protecting your business’s online presence, our search engine marketing (SEM) services makes things more efficient too. You’ll receive:
And so much more. There’s a reason we have more than 500 online reviews rating us an average of 4.9 stars. Get a quote to lock in current prices.
Run ads on Facebook, Instagram and Messenger in Brisbane and be confident with included ad spend, reporting and more.
Australia reportedly has one of the most active social media audiences in the world, with more than 60% of Aussies having a social media account. Active users range from 13 to 65+, so it’s safe to say, your audience is on Facebook and Instagram.
Social media marketing allows you to target the exact people who are more likely to be interested in what you do. However, this is notorious for being hard to do without the know-how.
As well as your package including ad spend, you’ll receive:
And more. But, you’ll only reap the benefits if you request a quote and get started with growing your business on social.
Target Brisbane locals on Google with an optimised Google My Business (GMB) listing from only $23 a week.
Did you know Localsearch was one of the first two Google My Business Partners in Australia? This provides us with direct support from Google, so if you need GMB help, we can make the process quick and easy.
From only $23 a week, our GMB services can help you optimise your account through your profile, posts, images, reviews and more. As a bonus, you’ll receive access to our purpose-built GMB reporting dashboard, monthly reporting and have your own dedicated account manager.
So, if you want your business to be found easily in more places on Google, you should request a quote! One of our Brisbane digital marketing specialists will be in touch to walk you through a free business needs analysis and customise your quote.
Specialising in HTML5 and WordPress websites. Flat-fee and website subscriptions available, starting from only $25 a week.
Trusted by the best
As Featured In
Our award-winning and nominated website design services are here to help you achieve your business goals, not just now but in the future. Let’s get started with your free quote.
When you need email or phone support for your website, our Gold Coast-based IT and customer support team are here to give you a fast solution. This gives you a fast answer when you have a question, need to update your information or upgrade your hosting!
As well our head office team, you’ll also have a local digital marketing specialist who will guide you through the complexities of digital marketing. Whether it’s navigating our dedicated hosting plans, boosting your website performance with Google Ads or even getting started with increasing your business’s reputation with Facebook Ads, we’re here to help.