Terms & Conditions

All the legal stuff we need you to know about our products and services.

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Localsearch Subscription Agreement

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Digital Marketing Services Module 1

The following Terms and Conditions apply to Digital Marketing Services.

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Digital Presence Services Module 2

The following Terms and Conditions apply to Digital Presence Services.

Mobile App Terms of Use

Read the Localsearch for Business App Terms of Use here.

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Direct Debit
Service Agreement

What you need to know about paying by direct debit.

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Acceptable Use Policy

How to acceptably use our products and services.

Live chat

Privacy Policy

Find out how we protect your privacy across our platforms.

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AHPRA Advertising & Content Guidelines

Need to know information for any health practitioner or practice.

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Terms of Agreement

Read our services full Terms of Agreement here.

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Content Integrity

Guidelines for reviewers and businesses receiving reviews.

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Terms of Use

By using our services, you agree to the following Terms of Use.

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Localsearch Customer Survey Promotion

View Terms & Conditions for the Customer Survey Promotion

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Share Your Success Story

View Terms & Conditions for sharing your business success story.

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Content Integrity

Guidelines for reviewers and businesses receiving reviews.

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Terms of Use

By using our services, you agree to the following Terms of Use.

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Localsearch Customer Survey Promotion

View Terms & Conditions for the Customer Survey Promotion

Helpful Ideas For Your Business

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